Living room- top level living!

The 2nd floor living room takes advantage from the 70/75 cm space between the Tiny Box ceiling and the BigBox ceiling. This allows low profile furniture to be placed without problem, remaining in place during transit and when extended increases the headroom from 2,45 to 3,2 m.
Here the seating area is separated by curtains (Japanese shoji also available as option). The elements of the couch area can be converted into a bed, if required.
The upper terrace is an ideal place to enjoy the views and have your late night glass of wine.
The terrace is 200x220
A beamer is shown here for the video based entertainment, this is more convenient than a TV, as the beamer can remain in place during transit.
The living room is 500x234- including the "hall way"
The flexibility of the bigTINY One and the double terraces provides you with the great outdoors for year round comfortable living!