Extended mode: BigBox raised.
A full internal view of the bigTINY One: yes, you can invite the Harlem Globetrotters over for coffee!
The bigTINY One: Maximizing headroom on 2 floors!

Travel mode
Stabilization legs in place
Here the side wall of BigBox is removed for clarity (above).
Note: the roof of TinyBox is the floor of Big Box this provides a 70/75 cm height for bed and couch elements.
In transit, the "blue" and "red" doors are aligned. In this way the interior on the 1st floor (TinyBox) can be accessed for cooking, eating, sleeping and use of the bathroom. (the "red" door has a 2-way hinge) In this way, the bigTINY one can be used immediately.

The bigTINY One: ready for your enjoyment!